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Puppy Contract

​Coasta J’s Poodles LLC wants to make sure that your puppy adoption is the perfect fit for you and your puppy. Please take the time to thoroughly read this Adoption Agreement to make sure that you are in agreement with the terms set forth.​


Terms and Conditions of Puppy Deposit

Buyer agrees to pay the purchase price of the puppy (listed on website) and any transportation costs associated with the delivery of the puppy. A deposit of $500.00 must be paid to hold the puppy and is NON-REFUNDABLE. In the event the puppy should have any LIFE-THREATENING GENETIC health issue the buyer has the choice of another puppy of equal purchase price (usually within 1 year). 

Puppies are considered SOLD once deposit has cleared. All deposits go towards the total purchase price of the selected puppy. Breeder agrees to transfer all rights, privileges and responsibilities associated with the ownership of the puppy to the purchaser at the appropriate age (approximately 8 weeks of age). 


Final Puppy Payment

Final payments for puppies requiring delivery - balance of the puppy must be made in full and cleared 3 days before delivery date. Failure to make final puppy payment 3 days before delivery date immediately authorizes Seller to offer Puppy to another purchaser without any further obligation to Buyer and all monies paid by Buyer will be forfeited. 


Final payments for puppies who will be picked-up by the Buyer –balance must be paid on or before pick-up date. Failure to make final puppy payment on or before pickup date immediately authorizes Seller to offer Puppy to another purchaser without any further obligation to Buyer and all monies paid by Buyer will be forfeited.


Puppy Pick-up Date

The puppy pick-up date is based on the seller’s estimation of when the puppy will be naturally weaned and ready to be placed in its new home, which is approximately 8 weeks of age. The seller reserves the right to retain the puppy past the original agreed upon pick-up date if it is found to be beneficial to the health and well-being of the puppy. We will schedule your pick-up date as soon as the deposit is paid and cleared. We will notify you if that date must change to a later date. In some instance puppy may be released to Buyer 2-3 days before the puppies is 8 weeks of age IF approved by the veterinarian.

If for any reason you must pick-up your puppy after the established pick-up date, please notify the Seller immediately so that an alternative pick-up date can be scheduled. To extend the pick-up date, the Puppy must be paid in full, and an additional boarding fee may be required at $30 per day which must be paid upon request to extend the pick-up date. Pick-Up is NOT done at the seller’s home. Pick-up will take place at a neutral location for health and safety purposes.



Delivery is available at an additional cost. Price varies depending on location and method of transportation. Transportation may be provided by Coasta J’s Poodles LLC or by an outsourced pet delivery company. Delivery fee must be paid in full at the time of reserving the puppy.



·       Seller guarantees that the puppy has had proper care and socialization while in their care.

·       Seller will furnish documentation that puppy has received its appropriate shots and worming’s at the proper i  i      

        intervals for the puppy’s age. Records will be transferred to Buyer at the time of pickup/delivery.

·       Seller guarantees puppy against life threatening genetic disorder causing death or making euthanasia necessary    

        until 12 months of age. The buyer has 72 hours to have the puppy vet checked for life threatening  

        disease/congenital defects. If any life-threatening disease/congenital defects are found, they must be documented           in radiographs and lab reports together with a written report by a licensed veterinarian. All costs for vet exams and           treatment are the purchaser’s responsibility.

·       In the event of any life threatening/congenital genetic disorder within the puppy’s first 12 months of life which is life-

        threatening or cause for euthanasia in the opinion of at least two qualified, licensed veterinarians; one of whom will         be selected by the breeder, to deem the puppy unsuitable as a companion pet or to warrant euthanasia of the    

        puppy, the breeder agrees to upon verification of genetic disorder by Seller’s veterinarian, to replace the puppy with

        a puppy of equivalent purchase price within 12 months minus the shipping and veterinarian cost. The puppy must    

        be relinquished to the breeder with all paperwork. Return shipping, veterinary, and testing expenses associated      

        with the replacement of the puppy are the responsibility of the purchaser. Purchaser must willingly and openly    

        provide documentation of the test performed supporting veterinary reports, and veterinarian contact information to

        the breeder.  Breeder is not required to compensate purchaser for the puppy’s expenses or purchase price when             the puppy is returned. Under no circumstances will the seller be responsible for veterinarian bills incurred by the    


·       Seller does not guarantee against communicable diseases such as PARVO, DISTEMPER, RABIES, ETC. Be very  

        careful where you take your pup until fully immunized against these types of diseases (NO dog parks, NO training

        centers, NO playgrounds, etc.). Be sure to vaccinate your puppy with age appropriate vaccines.

·       Seller does not guarantee against tapeworms, fleas, mites, coccidia, giardia, or any other parasites as they are

        common in dogs and puppies. Please consult your veterinarian regarding preventatives. 

·       Seller does not guarantee against diarrhea (from changing puppy’s diet or environment), hypoglycemia, and

        allergies, demodectic mane, or dermatitis as these ailments can be environmentally induced.

·       Umbilical hernia’s, retained testicles and cherry eyes are common. They are neither life threatening nor necessarily

        genetic however, some may be a breed specific issue. These minor issues are not covered by the health guarantee.

·       In the case of sudden demise of puppy, breeder must receive a written notice of puppy’s death from owner’s

        veterinarian, along with a necropsy report stating cause of death, and have DNA to determine the dog or puppy is           of Coasta J’s Toy Poodles lineage. The cost is the responsibility of the buyer. Breeder is not required to compensate         purchaser for the puppy’s expenses or purchase price when the puppy is returned.

·       This health guarantee is non-transferrable.


·       To Spay or Neuter any puppy purchased with Limited American Kennel Club Registration by 9 months of age. The           Spay/Neuter agreement will be strictly enforced. Veterinarian documentation must be emailed or mailed to the

        Seller on or before the puppy is 10 months old. This documentation will be verified.

·       Buyer is required to have the above puppy examined by a licensed veterinarian of buyer’s choice within 72 hours of         pickup/delivery of the puppy at the buyer’s expense and provide the breeder with a copy of the veterinarian health           report or the health guarantee is void.

·       The puppy is NOT being purchased for resale and will never be sold to a pet shop, puppy mill, or agent.

·       To continue with veterinary exams and follow all recommendations of veterinarian regarding shots and proper care.         Failure to comply with and provide documentation of these requirements voids all guarantees.

·       The value of the pet for the purpose of the health guarantee is solely the original purchase price of the pet and    

        does not include any additional expenses incurred by the buyer.

·       To keep puppy/dog in good physical condition and proper weight.

·       Maintain puppy in humane environment with shelter, a healthy diet, fresh water, exercise, human interaction,

        properly train and care for the puppy.

·       Provide the seller with periodic updates with photos of the puppy (minimum 2 times per year). More is appreciated.


This written Agreement contains all the terms of this Puppy Deposit and Sales Agreement. No refunds will be given, all deposits are non-refundable, and all sales are final. There are no guarantees on size, color, disposition, appearance, or any other issues associated with canine maturity.


To ensure that the Buyer can immediately reserve the puppy of their choice, Buyer and Seller agree that this Agreement is in full force once the buyer selects ‘yes’ on the Puppy Application for, “Have you read and agree to our Puppy Contract”. All disputes are subject to resolution in the Seller’s domicile: Auburn, Alabama

Seller reserves the right to post updates received from Buyers which may include pictures as well as text regarding their puppy/dog. These postings include but are not limited to websites and all social media platforms.



By selecting 'yes' on the Puppy Application for; Have you read and agree to our Puppy Contract? Or by electronic or physical signature, The Buyer agrees to the terms and conditions within this Puppy Contract. 

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